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Bank of America |

About chip cards

As chip technology will soon become the security standard in the U.S., many merchants are beginning to accept chip cards and we want you to be ready. You’ll enjoy greater security when making purchases at a chip-enabled terminal since the chip provides better protection against counterfeit fraud. Chip technology is already used in over 130 countries around the world, including Canada, Mexico and the United Kingdom, so you’ll enjoy greater acceptance when traveling internationally.
Visa |

What’s an EMV chip card?

We all use our debit and credit cards for shopping, eating out and buying groceries. Soon you can do so with the added security benefits of an EMV chip card. The new cards are nearly impossible to counterfeit, and travel will be even easier in more than 130 countries where chip cards are already used. EMV chip cards do everything magnetic stripe cards do but even more securely; plus, you are still protected from fraud by Visa’s Zero Liability policy.*
MasterCard |

Safety and Security

We know that safety and security are top priorities for our issuers, your customers, merchants and others. That’s why we won’t stand still in developing new and better ways to keep payments safe. As technology advances, devices change and payment methods adapt, we continually innovate to ensure the safety of billions of electronic payments wherever and whenever they occur. We are securing the entire payments ecosystem with EMV, end-to-end encryption, tokenization and authentication.
MasterCard |

A new era of payments and security

Today’s tech-savvy consumers are quickly adapting to digital devices, turning them into powerful payment vehicles. At the same time, the safety and security of these transactions is paramount. The EMV standard serves as the backbone for future payment technologies by enabling safer, smarter and more secure transactions across cards, contactless, mobile and remote payment channels. For 15 years, MasterCard has played a leading role in the creation, management and continued development of the EMV standard. We offer a unique set of EMV solutions to help issuers and merchants implement new payment solutions quickly.